Sunday, February 23, 2020

Lolita Fashion

Lolita (ロリータ・ファッション, rorīta fasshon) is a fashion subculture from Japan that is highly influenced by Victorian clothing and styles from the Rococo period.[1][2][3][4][5][6] A very distinctive property of Lolita fashion is the aesthetic of cuteness. This clothing subculture can be categorized into three main substyles: 'gothic', 'classic', and 'sweet'. Many other substyles such as 'sailor', 'country', 'hime' (princess), 'ero' (erotic), 'guro' (gore), 'oriental', 'punk', 'shiro (white)', kuro (black) and steampunk lolita also exist. This style evolved into a widely followed subculture in Japan and other countries in the 1990s and 2000s and may have waned in Japan as of the 2010s as the fashion became more mainstream.

Different Type

sweet lolita

classic lolita

go-sic lolita

Some eye make-up Sample for Popular Animation Characters

Something About the Eye contact Lenses

Because different characters has different eyes color,so we need to buy the eye contact lenses.
there are some tips for how to put in and take out your contact lenses.

Before you start

wash your hands with soap (preferably non-perfumed, anti-bacterial liquid soap), then rinse and dry your hands with a lint-free towel.

Check that the lens isn't inside out

To do this, just put the lens on the tip of your finger and hold it up to the light. If the edges flare out, it's inside out. Some lenses have a 1, 2, 3; indicator—make sure the digits aren’t backwards. It should look like a bowl with straight edges.

Using your right hand

gently hold your upper eyelid with one finger so you don’t blink or get your eyelashes in the way, and carefully pull down your lower eyelid with your other fingers.

Move the contact lens

toward your eye steadily. Look upward as you place it on your eye, and slowly release your eyelid and close your eye for a moment to allow the lens to settle. Repeat for your other eye.

IMPORTANT: Never rinse your contact lenses or lens case with tap water. 

Monday, February 3, 2020

Personal Information

Hi, everyone.

I'm Azusaneko. A Cosplayer from China. I do Cosplay for a hobby for 10 years and has many experiences of act many different character from Japanese animation or the games.
I speak three languages so you can use Mandarin, Japanese, and English to connect with me.
This blog will be talks about  different make up skills to let you look like different character you want to Cos.
I will post the pictures and the videos to let you easy to understand each step and all the tools I use for doing it. 
I hope you like my blog and can learn something from it.

Social Account

Facebook: Morino Azusa
Twitter: かげ貓
